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不管是想要健身還是想要變更加輕盈健康,基本的原則都是一樣的:良好的飲食為第一要件! 飲食提供你運動需要的能量,而且不管你是男性還是女性、16 歲還是 60 歲,你需要的健身飲食都適用同樣的原則!




★1.     健身的基礎:蛋白質再多元一點!




健身界的大哉問就是:每天要吃多少蛋白質才能讓肌肉生長得最好?答案是:因人而異,這個數值會因你的年齡、性別、活動量、健身目標而不同,但如果想要健身的話,原則上每天可以盡量攝取自己體重數(公斤)x 1.2~2.2 公克的蛋白質。



健身飲食的主角可以是動物蛋白也可以是植物蛋白,動物蛋白可以選魚類、乳製品、油脂較少的肉類(如:雞肉、火雞),而植物蛋白則可以選豆類和小扁豆,找到最適合你的蛋白質食物後,把它們加入你每天的飲食當中就可以了! 如果你還拿不定主意,我們有另外一篇文章幫你推薦最優質的植物蛋白和動物蛋白!






★2.    吃更多碳水化合物以增加你的能量儲存 










要補充營養,時機其實是首要條件!健身、運動  的碳水化合物可以讓你勁量十足地做完你的健身課表;運動後攝取的碳水化合物則會幫助更有效率地運作。


3.     精確控制飲食份量:了解自己該吃多少




要健身就一定需要多的能量,也就是說,你每天吃的熱量要大於你消耗的熱量,身體才有能量可以使用,但要注意的是,這不是要讓你盡情大吃大喝、每天酒肉笙歌喔!> <




1. 你的基礎代謝率(BMR),也就是身體在休息、什麼都不做的狀態下會消耗的熱量 
2. 你的活動量


很多 app 和線上的小工具都可以幫你估計你的活動量所消耗的熱量,而你的每日總消耗熱量(total daily energy expenditure,TDEE)就是基礎代謝率 + 每天活動所需的熱量。








控制飲食份量可以讓你達到你的熱量和營養目標、讓肌肉有足夠的能量但又不會給身體不需要的熱量,你可以用 app 或手帳來記錄自己每天飲食的份量和種類,這樣也可以更了解自己的飲食習慣。









如果你想要讓健身更有效率、改善你的飲食,你可以試試我們桂格的健身打底 1500 大卡基礎組,讓裡面的 4 個含優質蛋白的產品和 16 包 30 毫升的葡萄糖胺濃縮飲幫你全方位守護行動力!







Unlocking Muscle-Building Nutrition: Three Principles of a Muscle-enhancing Diet

In the world of fitness and physique transformation, a fundamental truth holds: your diet plays a pivotal role in determining your success. It's the fuel that powers your workouts, the builder of your muscles, and the sculptor of your body. And, what's more, the principles of a muscle-building diet are universal. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman, 16 or 60 – these principles work for everyone.

So, if you're eager to embark on a journey of transformation, unlock the secrets of muscle-building nutrition, and understand the core principles that will redefine your fitness path, you're in the right place. We're about to delve deep into the 3 principles of muscle-building nutrition: more protein, more carbohydrates, and knowing how much to eat.


★ 1.      More Protein: The Cornerstone of Muscle Gain

Let's kick things off with the heavyweight champion of muscle-building nutrition: protein. Whether you're aiming to sculpt a lean physique or bulk up with raw muscle, protein is your ally in this transformative journey.

The Science Behind Protein and Muscle Gain 

The secret lies in muscle protein synthesis, a process where new muscle proteins are constructed, and existing ones are repaired. Protein is the primary driver of this process, and the more efficiently it occurs, the greater your muscle gains. When it comes to muscle growth, it's not just about men; women can benefit just as much.

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?  

The golden question: How much protein should you be consuming daily to optimize muscle growth? The answer depends on several factors, including your age, gender, activity level, and goals. For those aiming to build muscle, a general guideline suggests around 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. But keep in mind that individual requirements may vary.

Sources of Muscle-Building Protein

Now that we know the "how much," let's explore the "what." The sources of protein are as diverse as they are delicious. Lean meats like chicken and turkey, fish, dairy products, and plant-based sources like beans, lentils, and tofu can all play starring roles on your muscle-building plate. Discover the perfect protein foods that work for you and incorporate them into your daily meals. For some suggestions on the best plant-based and animal-based proteins, read this article

The Timing Matters

Protein isn't just about how much you consume, but also when you consume it. Pre- and post-workout nutrition is critical. Consuming protein before your workout can provide the energy and amino acids your muscles need to perform optimally. After your workout, protein aids in muscle recovery, repair, and growth. It's a dynamic nutrient that fuels your fitness journey at every step.


★ 2.      More Carbohydrates: Your Energy Reservoir

As you dive into the world of muscle-building, you'll need a potent source of energy to sustain your workouts, prevent fatigue, and help your muscles recover. Carbohydrates are that source of energy, and they're equally important for both men and women on this muscle-building journey.

The Power of Carbohydrates

Think of carbohydrates as rocket fuel for your muscles. When you consume carbs, they're converted into glucose, which your body uses as its primary energy source. This energy is what fuels you through challenging workouts and helps you recover efficiently.

 The Good Carbohydrates 

Carbohydrates come in two main forms: simple and complex. The complex carbs found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes are the unsung heroes of muscle fuel. They provide a steady release of energy, helping you power through your workouts and preventing fatigue.

Pre- and Post-Workout Carbs

Timing is everything in the world of nutrition. Pre-workout carbohydrates provide you with the necessary energy to tackle your fitness routine with gusto. Post-workout carbs help replenish muscle glycogen, the stored form of glucose, aiding in faster recovery. It's a cycle that keeps your engine running efficiently throughout your journey.



Bonus Benefit of Eating More Protein


★ 3.      Knowing How Much to Eat: Portion Control Precision

It's not just about eating more; it's about eating smart. Portion control is the guiding star that keeps your nutrition on track. Whether you're a man or a woman, understanding your calorie needs is vital to achieving your muscle-building goals.

The Calorie Surplus for Muscle Growth 

To build muscle, you'll need to be in a calorie surplus, meaning you consume more calories than your body burns in a day. This surplus provides the extra energy needed for muscle growth and repair. But here's the catch: it's not a license to feast recklessly.

How to Calculate Your Calorie Needs 

Calculating your calorie needs involves considering your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body needs at rest, and your activity level.

Factor in your activity level to calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), which is the total number of calories you burn in a day. Apps or online tools can help with this estimation.

Decide whether you aim to maintain, lose, or gain weight. Adjust your calorie intake accordingly. A surplus of calories is needed for muscle gain, while a deficit is required for weight loss. Maintenance involves consuming the same amount as your TDEE.

The Magic of Macronutrient Balance 

Calories are important, but where those calories come from matters too. Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are your macronutrients, and their balance is the key to effective nutrition. The ideal ratio depends on your goals and can be personalized to your specific needs.

The Art of Portion Control

Portion control is the daily practice of choosing the right quantities of food that align with your calorie and macronutrient goals. It's a practice that ensures you fuel your muscles without overloading your system with excess calories. Utilize apps or journals to monitor what you eat. Recording portion sizes and types of foods can help you understand your eating habits better.

Use visual cues like the palm of your hand or your fist to estimate portion sizes. For instance, a serving of protein is approximately the size of your palm.

Invest in kitchen scales or measuring cups to accurately measure portions until you become adept at estimating sizes.

We discussed some tips and tricks in this article that may help you with portion control.

Your body's response to calorie intake might differ from calculated estimates. Be flexible and adjust your intake based on your progress. Regularly reassess your goals and adjust your calorie intake accordingly.

Consider seeking guidance from a registered dietitian or nutritionist. They can provide personalized advice based on your goals, health condition, and lifestyle.

★ The Universality of Muscle-building Nutrition

It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman; the principles of muscle-building nutrition are universal. Both genders can harness the power of protein, carbohydrates, and portion control to craft the physique they desire. The journey to muscle gain is a shared path of discipline, nutrition, and dedication.

So, are you ready to unlock the secrets of muscle-building nutrition? To fuel your workouts with precision, power your muscles with the right nutrients, and sculpt the body you've always wanted? Your dream physique is closer than you think. Embrace the principles of muscle-building nutrition and transform your fitness journey today.

If you’re interested in enhancing your muscles and improving your diet take a look at the Quaker Fitness 1500 Calorie Basic Set, which has four high-quality protein products and 16x packs of 30ml glucosamine concentrate to protect all aspects of mobility.

Keep at it!



Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary regimen or supplement.